Resveratrol Weight Loss

Recently there has been a lot of talk about how resveratrol and weight loss are connected. This is likely why you see so many companies coming out with products touting this. However, how much resveratrol do you need for weight loss?

Resveratrol is mainly found in the skin of red grapes. Thus, it is also found in red wine. In addition, it is also found in Japanese knotweed. You would need to drink a ton of red wine to get the recommended daily dosage of resveratrol. Therefore, drinking red wine is not a healthy way to enjoy the benefits of resveratrol. The obvious negative factor in this is that you could end up drinking far too much alcohol because a small amount of red wine is considered good for you.

Drinking too much alcohol can create a whole cluster of problems. Therefore, there must be some other way that resveratrol and weight loss can be linked. Resveratrol helps in balancing blood sugar levels and it helps to regulate the body’s daily energy supply.

If your blood sugar is better balanced then you may not feel as hungry, which is how resveratrol and weight loss are linked. Individuals that have type two diabetes may also benefit from consuming this nutrient because it can help reduce fasting blood sugar and it improves sensitivity to insulin.

So, how much resveratrol do you need to weight loss? The recommended daily dosage is twenty milligrams. You will not be able to get this dosage from drinking a glass of red wine. The best source is to take a multi-vitamin supplement that contains resveratrol along with numerous other vitamins and minerals.

Taking resveratrol in extract form is the best way to get the recommended intake of twenty milligrams. The benefits of taking a multi-vitamin supplement are many. However, not all supplements are created equal. The one that I take contains over seventy different essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids and herbal extracts including resveratrol.

If you would like more information on resveratrol and weight loss then please visit my website today. In addition, you will find valuable information on a multi-vitamin supplement that includes resveratrol.

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